Policy Brief 7: “Using Peacebuilding Dialogue to Address Sociopolitical Polarization in North America,” by Mr. Josh Nadeau
The Ottawa Dialogue Policy Brief series is intended to stimulate discussion around key issues in the field of Track Two Diplomacy. They are published three times a year and are written by leaders in the field. The seventh Policy Brief of the series is written by Mr. Josh Nadeau, Fellow at the Ottawa Dialogue.
This Policy Brief looks at peacebuilding dialogue and its application to sociopolitical polarization in North America, holding that existing dialogue tools in North America can be augmented by international peacebuilding tools and approaches, though practitioners will need to adapt their methodologies to address local needs. The Brief expands upon this idea and examines possible barriers to dialogue in North America.
The authors of each Policy Brief are entirely responsible for its content. The author can be contacted at jnade076@uottawa.ca
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