Policy Brief 1: “Is There a New Track Two? Taking Stock of Unofficial Diplomacy in Peacemaking,” by Dr. Julia Palmiano Federer
The Ottawa Dialogue is proud to announce the launch of our Policy Brief series. Our Policy Briefs series is intended to stimulate discussion around key issues in the field of Track Two Diplomacy. They will be published three times a year. Each Policy Brief will be written by a leader in the field. Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive both our Policy Briefs and our Newsletter as they are released.
The first Policy Brief of the series, written by Dr. Julia Palmiano Federer, looks at the evolution of Track Two since it was first named in the early 1980s. Based on academic and policy scholarship on Track Two and her research on NGO mediators, she identifies the key ideas and concepts which have shaped the discussion of the field in this time and provides insight into where Track Two may be going. Your feedback and comments are welcome and may be sent to Dr. Palmiano Federer at julia.palmianofederer@uottawa.ca.